FASTER COLORS provides high quality art supplies. All pictures of artwork posted on any of our social media accounts are submitted anonymously and the rights are held by the original artist. If there are any pictures that you would not like posted please contact us via email and we will delete the picture(s) in question. Pictures posted to our social media are for documentation purposes only and the artwork and opinions portrayed are solely the views of the artist and do not necessarily represent the views of FASTER COLORS. We supply high quality art supplies and materials only and the choice of expression is the responsibility of the artist. FASTER COLORS does not condone any illegal activities and we will not be held liable for any offences commited by individuals using our products for illegitamite use. We encourage our customers to understand the laws of their local community in regards to creating artwork on public and private property.
The FASTER COLORS name and logo is the sole property of FASTER COLORS and may not be used without our written consent.